But where do I find the official icon for ATOM ?
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the class.
/// </summary>
/// <param>name="id": The id.</param>
/// <param> name="name": The name. </param>
/// <param> name="latitude": The latitude. </param>
/// <param> name="longitude": The longitude. </param>
/// <param> name="category": The category. </param>
/// <param> name="imageUrl": The image URL. </param>
/// <param> name="infoURL": The more info URL. </param>
/// <param> name="description": The description. </param>
public void MapItemRow(int id, string name, double latitude, double longitude, string category, string imageUrl, string moreInfoUrl, string description)
{ }
Easy generated Source Code Documentation out of the xml-comments is now possible with the new MS Tool Sandcastle. Till now, NDoc was the first joice for me. But Sandcastle sounds like a real alternative - especially because of real .NET 2.0 support.
Mission Statement:
Enable managed class library developers throughout the world to easily create accurate, informative documentation with a common look and feel.
Sandcastle is used internally to build .Net Framework documentation.
Sandcastle Overview:
protected override void OnPreRenderComplete(EventArgs e)
if (DebugFlag)
"<script>window.status = 'ViewState: ' + document.forms[0]['__VIEWSTATE'].value.length + ' bytes';</script>");